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Our Screening App enables community screeners to quickly and easily identify individuals at risk for diabetes and hypertension. It is a questionnaire-based tool that uses the FHIR standard to ensure interoperability with other health information systems. 

Screening App

Key features:

SMS reminders for patients

In-app referral to nearby healthcare facilities

Automatic task assignment for community health workers to follow-up with clients at risk

Risk calculation algorithm for cost-effective screening and referral

Easy-to-use for non-health workers

Screening App flow

Explore the five steps of the Screening App experience below:

Screenshot_20240920_081949_Diabetes Compass 1_2x.png

Step 1:

Client and household registration

Known history.jpg

Step 2:
Conduct screening


Step 3:
Get & communicate risk result


Step 4:

Refer client if deemed at risk of diabetes or hypertension


Step 5: 

Follow up with client after consultation date

Screening App flow

Explore the five steps of the screening app experience below:

Screenshot_20240920_081949_Diabetes Compass 1_2x.png

Step 1:

Client & household registration

Screening App flow

Explore the five steps of the screening app experience below:

Known history of diabetes.jpg

Step 2:

Conduct screening

Screening App flow

Explore the five steps of the screening app experience below:


Step 3:

Get & communicate risk result

Screening App flow

Explore the five steps of the screening app experience below:


Step 4:

Refer client if deemed at risk of Diabetes or Hypertension

Screening App flow

Explore the five steps of the screening app experience below:


Step 5:

Follow up with client after consultation date

What you need to build our Screening App

To reuse or build this tool, there are several resources and skills needed. Minimum requirements include:


Software developer(s)


Trained screeners (community workers or similar)


Good understanding of community health workflows and referral pathways


Working knowledge of the FHIR standard


Proficiency in JAVA and Android development


Working knowledge of Android Studio

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